聽說最近還是很紅的關史蒂芬妮小姐,在下老是搞不清楚她的兩張專輯,究竟是甚麼時候出的。只依稀記得好像去年底,就曾聽過這張專輯?= =+從某些外國網站上聽見的吧,某些地方引起在下的興趣,所以決定來好好介紹一下。以下先附上試聽。
關史蒂芬妮原先隸屬於No doubt樂團,單飛出了首張專輯【愛天使音樂寶貝】,而第二章【甜蜜出關】,則有她本人說明是最後一張個人專輯,之後他將再返回No doubt樂團,關的官網在這裡。
wind it up 的歌詞如下:
High on a hill was a lonely goatherd、lay-od-lay-od-lay-he-hoo
Yodell back with the girl and goatherd、lay-od-lay-od-low
Wind it up
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
This is the key that makes us wind up
When the beat comes on、the girls all line up
And the boys all look、but no、they can't touch
But the girls want to know why boys like us so much
They like the way we dance、they like the way we work
They like that way that L.A.M.B. is going across my shirt
They like the way my pants、it compliments my shape (She's crazy、right?)
They like the way we react everytime we dance
Everytime the bass bangs、realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up、and don't stop till your time is up
Get in line now
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
You've got to let the beat get under your skin
You've got to open up、and let it all in
But see、once it gets in、the poppin' begins
Then you'll find out、why all the boys stare
They're trying to bite our style
Trying to study our approach
They like the way we do it、so original
I guess that they are slow、so they should leave the room
This beat is for the clubs、and cars that go
Everytime the bass bangs、realize it calls your name
Let the beat wind you up、and don't stop till your time is up
Get in line now
Uh、uh、uh、wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
(Ya'll ready)
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
Uh huh、it's your moment
Uh huh、come on girl、you know you own it
Uh huh、you know your key is still tick-tockin'
Hell yeah、and you know they're watchin'
Get it girl、get it、get it girl
Get it girl、get it、get it girl
To the font、to the side、
To the back、but don't let him ride
Keep goin' girl、it's your night
Don't let him steal your light
I know he thinks you're fine and stuff
But does he know how to wind you up?
(Come on)
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
Wind it up、uh、uh、uh、uh
這張甜蜜出關,Gwen Stefani跟很多名人合作,阿康、菲董都在榜上,當然還有他上一張的製作人,還有他在No Doubt的前男友東尼,以及基音的keyboard手。原來不經意地聽過覺得是張流行專輯罷了,仔細一聽才知道別有用心與玄機,還真是好樣的關史蒂芬妮阿,難怪李小三這麼愛你!
因為有同學說很愛wind it ip 裡的「唷雷哩唷雷喔雷喔雷哩」,所以,最近稍微專聽這張【甜蜜出關】。
一開始只覺得是混合風格remix 的歌,也沒多想,後來上網查了一下,
才發現那段旋律是取自電影The sound of music《中譯:真善美》,
歌名是The Lonely Goatherd《中譯:寂寞的牧羊人》,附上試聽,歌詞在這裡。
跟印象中有些差距....,裡面的傀儡戲,還是跟小時候看得一樣有趣又動人 XD(懷念)
有興趣歡迎進去看看,資料很豐富 :D。
p.s. 提到真善美,就想到飾演瑪莉雅的茱莉安德魯斯,
想當年自己也是看真善美長大的呢。今天牽扯起那麼多回憶,卻覺得十分高興,衝到樓下發現小時候看過很多很多次的真善美的錄影帶還保存的完好無缺,真是心裡開出大花朵,好感動!忍不住想唱個DoReMi之歌 XD